The Perfect Climate

The ‘Goldilocks Zone’, is a hot topic for astrophysicists. My understanding of it is as follows. A planet finds itself in this Zone when it’s neither too close nor too far from its star. Because of that it is neither too hot nor too cold. In this way it keeps a perfect climate and maintains an atmosphere suitable for life. I think that’s the gist of it, though I’m sure I’ve missed something.

Anyway, I want to make comparisons between such an atmosphere and the plausibility of complimentary conditions in our social endeavors on earth. Conditions that might foster and sustain an optimistic climate for humanity. I may be wrong but my experiences up to this point lead me to believe what follows.

Okay. I think that just as we refer to the extremes of the North and the South poles, there are two extreme character types in our world. Although many fall somewhere in between. For starters, there seems to be the ‘bad’ character. This person demonstrates little consideration for other people. Typically, he has no discernible values. He is of low morale. He doesn’t follow any code of ethics. Correspondingly, he’s aggressive to a fault.

At the opposite pole is the much sought after ‘good’ man. More often than not this person considers how his thoughts and actions might affect others. For this reason he hesitates before he commits. Because of that he’s often apprehensive. But keep in mind that nature introduces even doses of favorable and unfavorable realities. Therefore, we see that for any reason a person can fit in any of the above categories. ‘Both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are subject to passions and needs as well as external influences. So, both are negotiable.

So, we know that what we need is to find some middle ground of temperance. A goldilocks zone for sustainable, positive interaction. First, let’s take a closer peep at the two character types observed so far. In this way, we can see how they might function toward a Goldilocks zone, becoming better actors in turn.

I’ve proposed that many good men because they are thoughtful are often hesitant to act. But they should beware. Excessive hesitancy can double as a paralyzing component to behavior and assert itself as fear. Obviously, this can be a hindrance to performance. In this environment innate advantages are negated, and opportunities missed.

Good folks desire an atmosphere in which what they offer of themselves is appreciated and reciprocated, enduring beyond their initial actions. But lurking like a mangy pedophile in the shadows of their otherwise innocent minds is the idea of that bad fellow who might spoil the victuals. Hence the reticence and uncertainty.

Meanwhile, that very bad guy, whether by nature or his nurturing sees no advantage in a hopeful regard for the near or distant future. He acts purely on impulse. He seizes the moment for a very personal pleasure and the petty gain of the proverbial penny. His greatest triumph is to grin defiantly in the face of any victim, knowing that he has satisfied his desires at that person’s expense. This makes him feel alive and accounted for. That’s his way of feeling like a good person. It even makes him feel like he stands out which he certainly does. Then and only then is he open to bargaining.

Either way, reality ensures that ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are thrown together like it or not. Maybe because each can benefit immensely if they take the opportunity to learn from one another.

If the bad character behaves the way he does because of his nurturing, he simply needs to be exposed to new inputs. Ideas and environments that can demonstrate for him the personal advantages of a refined approach to social behavior. Even if he is a jerk by nature, those inputs can ultimately refine him. In either case, he should be subordinate to the good people we expose him to. Until he shows that he has adopted their patterns to a high enough degree that he can be trusted. In such instances, believe it or not, those people starting off as ‘bad apples’ often become insightful influencers. Sometimes they go on to have a major positive impact in our world.

For all of this to happen though, the good person for his part must study and adopt somewhat of the assertive character of the bad person. This rounds off what I mean by the two characters learning from one another. The good man must be a positive ‘aggressor’. He needs to take the lead and the initiative. He needs to set the pace for our society. To do so, he can exploit his talent for thoughtfulness in a new way.

First, he can accelerate his recognition of the nature of any given moment and its potential. He needs to meet and greet these opportunities with an open mind. Accordingly, he has to slow down his usual instinct to choose inaction, brush by a situation, and leave things as they are without making his mark. With simple adjustments like these, he’ll make more friendly associations. Naturally, this will expand his sphere of influence.

Under such circumstances, that bad man in the shadows will size up this good man and he wouldn’t be himself if he failed to recognize this individual’s growing influence. Grudgingly or not, he will see the positive man as someone he has to respect. For any bad man, such a projection is admirable. And worthy of emulation because it works wonders. So those bad fellows will make an attempt to become like those good men if for no other reason than to inspire an equal measure of awe. Even if they do so unwittingly which is often the case.

To fashion an environment where the morally inept person admires the positive person, the latter has to act first. If for example, both have their eyes on the same girl, the positive man should approach her first. So, what if people think good guys finish last? At the very least, he’ll spare this girl the indignities she would have been subjected to had the character of low morale gotten to her first. Onlookers would learn a thing or two about etiquette as well. And so would the man of poor behavior. Every witness to this will have renewed faith in the stranger. Honorable instincts would be vindicated and find a suitable outlet whether in good natured gestures, deeds, or inspired ideas.

In such an agreeable atmosphere, the social fabric will find itself strengthened, firm, and that much more resilient. Courage is required to beat the bad characters to the punch. But with practice the thoughtful can perfect those skills. Meanwhile, those who would learn from our example will develop the reflexes to adopt and assimilate. The light of day will impart its warmth on everyone equally in this climate. It would be as near to a perfect climate as we can expect in a world balanced between one extreme and the other. For crying out loud.

If you feel out of place, at a loss, or as if the world is anything thing but the perfect climate for you, there is someone you can talk if you call the Mental Health Hotline at 866-903-3787. Or call 988.


Words and Actions


The Way in is The Way Out